Friday, January 8, 2010

What can I do to make my skin look better? It's rough... and the pores are reddish like popped blackheads?

I have no idea what's wrong with my skin... I don't think it's acne. I wash my face everyday and I don't have any whiteheads, blackheads or red bumps... my skin is just rough, and I have on my cheeks what looks like blackheads that have been popped. Like, I popped them and they never closed. I only have a few of those though. What can I do to make my skin look atleast a little better? School starts in 3 weeks.

(I've tried the clean and clear blackhead eraser and it does not work, and neither does clearasil... I'm not looking for an acne treatment rather a skin treatment.)What can I do to make my skin look better? It's rough... and the pores are reddish like popped blackheads?
I have those (popped) blackheads too on my nose. I use a really good medicine from my doctor and also other things from the store but it never takes care of that yet everything else. I just wait like a day or two and they go away. I drink a lot of water and it seems to help a lot.

If your skin is rough try and face lotion.What can I do to make my skin look better? It's rough... and the pores are reddish like popped blackheads?
see a determatoligist
you might want to try a moisturizing lotion that is perfectly designed for rough skin. also you might want to consult a doctor or a dermatologist. that's all i can help with sorry. hope it gets better.

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