Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Skincare advice re: large pores and blackheads?

Okay, so I need some advice to help with getting rid of blackheads on my nose? (gross, I know) I have really good hygiene and skin care regimen, but I cannot get rid of them? I have larger pores on my nose and have tried the products that supposedly shrink pores, but they haven't worked. Anyway, do you know of something that works, please let me know. Also, I have noticed fine lines forming around my eyes and want to find a good eye cream to fix them that is not terribly expensive. Please help!Skincare advice re: large pores and blackheads?
Go to a spa and get a facial. They'll get those blackheads out and from there they'll tell you how to maintain your face.Skincare advice re: large pores and blackheads?
i use the stridex pads thingys for sensative skin one in the morning and one right before i go to bed, the best thing to do is to keep it clean. the large pores and blackheads are caused by oil and dirt and stuff in ur skin do just pay special attention to that area when you clean. i used stridex on this ENORMOUS pimple i had on my nose (really gross, huge, red, the little zit right on top, then i scratched it on accident and it turned to a scab, TOO, TMI, i know) and it was gone in less than a week.
I finally have found a product I just love, I too have/had large pores. Not long ago I started using Artistry, and I use time definance and a microabration formula 2-3 times a week. I have seen a definate apperance in my sink texture and my pores are smaller. I haven't used the eye cream yet, but I love everything I have tried. Oh, the best part about using this great product is I get paid to. I get paid to use just about everything I use. That is Awesome.
st ives apricot scrub for acne prone skin is great for gettin rid of the blackheads on the nose. And the crystal clear skin care range is great to. Also just a good steam helps too Hold your head over a bowl of really warm water for about 10mins then use a good facial scrub this should help shift them.

and your fine lines, sorry to say no matter what you put on them it'l never stop them, just learn to like them. they're laughter lines so they show that your a happy person. or at least thats what i tell myself haha
I have been using a microderabrasion kit and in just a few days I have noticed the pores on my nose starting to shrink. I don't know if it will work this well for everyone though. I bought the microdermabrasion kit by Vita K off of Amazon.com. It is pretty inexpensive so it may be worth a shot!
an astringent will shrink the pores and help with the problem. Use a deep cleaning solution to keep dirt an oil from building up then apply a good astringent.
just visit nyaloe.com !!

Pure, Certified Organic, and hi-quality Aloe vera product .
I wish you told me your appox. age. Here is what i have seen working on many people. I have gone to a masters degree in journalism with a Maxilio-facial-surgeon. He used to discuss a lot of such issues in class with us.

One of our classmate had a similar problem and he treated her in a short time and we all wrote an event (long) cover report on it.

Here is what he did..

He asked the girl to get her blackheads removed( She went for a facial in an Indian beauty parlour. There they not only cleaned her pores(steamed to open the pores and loosen the black heads) they also massaged her with cold(temp) herbal cream. That helped the skin to first open and get rid of the dirt, the cold temp helped the pores to close again.

After that the girl was asked to steam her face twice a week and clean her face with cotton dipped in anti-bacterial pads. Right after the cleaning she was supposed to cool her skin with cool and clean towel.

He had emphasized a lot on keeping everything clean. as the germs were getting locked into the open pores.

So get your skin cleaned professionally, and then keep your skin from the dirt etc. DO it everyday before going to bed if the symptoms are severe.

For eye cream...go to Bed Bath and beyond and buy a under eye cream from Loreal. It ia almost same as Lancome. BBB because they give out 20% off coupon so you can save money. Good luck
ive got the same problem when you get an answer let me know you can email your best answer
leave ur skin alone for some time.u know, too much regimen can cause unshrinkable blackheads.
it could be the skin care regimen. make an appointment with your dermatologist.
Rub oatmeal paste on face,leave it to dry for 15 minutes before washing off with cold water. Beat white part of an egg. Add one teaspoon of honey and with a cotton swab, apply it on face. Keep it around half an hour and then rinse with warm water. This is also good for blackheads and dark spots. Check out http://useinfo-blackhead.blogspot.com/ for more useful tips to control blackheads.

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